Nutrition Consultation
Changing the World through Health and Fitness One Life at a Time.
Service Description
Nutrition is the #1 area that will negatively or positively effect your health and wellness goal. Fitness is only 5% of what you need to meet your goal. During this consultation we will ask about your diet goals, objectives, and reasons for wanting to make a change. In addition to reviewing a general outline of your medical history and current medications and supplements, we will ask about your lifestyle to get a sense of your current stress, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels. To prepare for your visit, it can be helpful for you to write down everything you ate in the 24 hours prior to the appointment (or better yet, a food diary of two to three days’ worth of meals and snacks). With that guidance, we can begin to discuss your dietary preferences and cooking habits, and identify trouble spots. We are looking forward to starting this journey with you!

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact a staff member directly or email T.O.U.C.H.E' at All sales are final. No Refunds.
Contact Details
812 Seclusion Circle, Henderson, NV, USA